- One final consideration for where to play is the competitive set. Just as it does when it defines winning aspirations, a company should make its where-to-play choices with the competition firmly in mind. Choosing a playing field identical to a strong competitor's can be a less attractive proposition than tacking away to compete in a different way, for different customers, or in different product lines. But strategy isn't simply a matter of finding a distinctive path. A company may choose to play in a crowded field or in one with a dominant competitor if the company can bring new and distinctive value. In such a case, winning may mean targeting the lead competitor right away or going after weaker competitors first.
- Where to play and how to win are not independent variables. The best strategies have mutually reinforcing choices at their heart. As a result, it is not a matter of choosing where to play and then how to win and them moving on. These two choices are intertwined and should be considered together.
- マイケルポーターの戦略論だと差別化戦略とコストリーダーシップ戦略がsustainable competitive advantageを形成するとなっている。Both cost leadership and differentiation require the pursuit of distinctiveness. ~ To succeed in the long run, you must make thoughtful, creative decisions about how to win. In doing so, you enable your organization to sustainably provide a better value equation for customers than competitors do and create competitive advantage.
- この理由は、Appendix Bでマクロ経済学から解説されている。いずれも高マージンをどうやって生み出すかの論点に集約されるからである。To be a nutshell, due to the fundamental microeconomics of business, there are tow ways to win: higher margin through lower cost or higher margin through differentiation.
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