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Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

This book was written almost 10 years ago. Yet it still prevailed his concepts well implemented into a lot of successful products. Based on his experiences and observations, he found that HOOKS were everywhere. He divided into four steps of Hooked model to provide the framework for everyone, which was Trigger(internal/external), Action, Variable Reward and Investment.

  • Habits cannot form outside the Habit Zone, where the behavior occurs the habit is formed, they become must-haves. 
  • Habit-forming products alleviate users' discomfort by relieving a pronounced itch.
  • External triggers tell the user what to do next by placing information within the user's environment. Internal triggers tell the user what to do next through associations stored in the user's memory.
  • Every behavior is driven by one of three Core Motivators: seeking pleasure and avoiding pain; seeking hope and avoiding fear; seeking social acceptance while avoiding social rejection.
  • Ability is influenced by the six factors of time, money, physical effort, brain cycles, social deviance, and non-routineness. Ability is dependent on users and their context at that moment.
  • Heuristics are cognitive shortcuts we take to make quick decisions. Product designers can utilize many of the hundreds of heuristics to increase the likelihood of their desired action.
  • Investment in a product create preferences because of our tendency to overvalue our work, be consistent with past behaviors, and avoid cognitive dissonance.
  • Clearly, it is too early to tell which among the multitudes of new wellness apps and products will emerge victorious, but the fact remains that the most successful consumer technologies - those that have altered the daily behaviors of billions of people - are the ones that nobody makes us use. Perhaps part of the appeal of sneaking in a few minutes on Instagram or checking scores on ESPN.com is our access to a moment of pure autonomy - an escape from being told what to do by bosses and coworkers.
  • Mike Maples Jr., a Silicon Valley "super angel" investor, likens technology to big-wave surfing. He believes technology waves allow a three-phase pattern:"They start with infrastructure. Advances in infrastructure are the preliminary force that enable a large wave to gather. As the wave begins to gather, enabling technologies and platforms create the basis of new types of applications that cause a gathering wave to achieve massive penetration and customer adoption. Eventually, these waves crest and subside, making way for the next gathering wave to take shape."


The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition


The Element of Styleを読了しました。全米でNo.1のベストセラーらしいです。今年はWiriting能力を向上させます。


ティム・クック-アップルをさらなる高みへと押し上げた天才 Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level (English Edition)

久しぶりに読む伝記シリーズ。Appleの時価総額を世界1位に押し上げたCEO、Tim Cookに関してのインタビューを通じた自叙伝です。

Tim Cookは新卒IBMに入社してそのまま1988年にDuke MBA(夜間クラス)を社費で取得しました。IBMの中でもTop talentだったらしく、夜間の授業だけでなく大学院のMBAプログラムにまで意欲的に学ぶ社員だったらしいですね。ちなみに、IBMを12年勤めて34歳の時に転職していますが、1994年当時でベース$250,000+ボーナス$67,500+RSU100,000株のパッケージをもらってIntelligent Electronicsに転職してます。ざっくり当時の為替レート94円=USD計算でも、2984万円+RSUの待遇です。最近の為替計算140円=USDでいくと4445万円.........世界トップクラスの人材だと事業会社であってもRSU抜きで3000万-5000万円は30代中盤で到達している感じなんですねぇ。確かに2022年だと、36歳でMetaのCFOになったSusan Liとかいますが。それにしても、時価総額の上昇は半端ないです....
  • To get an idea of just how enormous Apple is during Tim Cook’s CEO tenure, consider that the company made $88.3 billion in revenue and $20 billion in profits in Q1 of 2018, as I’m writing this book. By comparison, Facebook, with more than 2.2 billion active users, made just $40.6 billion over all of 2017. Not to mention that in just those three months, Apple made almost as much as its rival Microsoft—once the biggest company in tech—during the entire year of 2017, at $90 billion. (でまあ、この後$1 Trillion companyになるわけですけど)

  • Cook’s management style involves organizing teams with dedicated project managers. These leads spearhead the product vision from beginning to end, determining the financing, staff, and resources to see the project through. Under this management style, teams don't act in silos, but rather collaborate and communicate often. They also are given the time to ensure that the project is completed at its highest level, ensuring that the product is ready.

  • Under Cook’s leadership, Apple has acquired over 100 companies, developed an Oscar-nominated production studio, and expanded its hardware. Additionally, Apple built out its subscription services spanning from iCloud, Apple Podcasts, and Apple Music, which launched in 2011, 2012, and 2015, respectively.In 2018, Apple became the first $1 trillion company by market capitalization. Just two years later, it reached $2 trillion in value.

振り返ると、2018年あたりからDiversityやLGBTQなどのSGDに焦点が当たるようになったのは機関投資家のプレッシャーが大きいわけですが、その一歩前にTim CookがDo the right ting because it is just right、という信念でAppleでDiversity and inclusionを推し進めたのが大きいわけですね。キング牧師やケネディ大統領が尊敬する人物なのも納得できます。
  • His morality is tooted in a Chrien upbringing southern manners, and the teaching of his heroes Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy.
実際にGeyであることを告白したり、教育分野に投資したり(ROIは見ていないと言いつつも、マーケティングの観点から考えると、中長期的にSoftware engineerを志望する女性を増やす取り組みや中学校のWifi速度を上げてMacでSwiftのプログラミングを学ぶ環境を加速させる取り組みなどは全てAppleのエコシステムに取り入れるTrialプログラムなわけです)、Supply chainの透明性や環境保全への取り組みを公開するなど、傾聴型リーダーシップを通じて時価総額を押し上げたことで、彼が取り組む行動が少なくとも機関投資家には説得力を持つため、結果的に米国の会社に同様な取り組みが広がっていくわけですね。こういう現象は1990年代にGEの時価総額がすごかったためにGE式リーダーの育成方法が賞賛されたり、2000年前半にA.GラフリーがP&Gの時価総額がV字回復したことで360度評価が評価された現象と似ている気がします。


History in Crisis? Recent Directions in Historiography written byNorman Wilson



History cures us of provincialism by showing that change is the only constant.
History is to time what anthropology is to space in that differences occur over time.
The otherness of the past is a product of these changes over time.
The historical perspective of this otherness cures us of our provincialism by revealing the uncanniness of our own world.
This memory of the past is necessary because our collective memory defines us.
Therefore we need ambitious and passionate historical who are willing to create new questions and answers. The pursuit of new questions and new histories should prevent history as a field of study from becoming stagnant.

Postmodernism, postcolonialism and the rise in literary criticism of self-defined New historicists all contribute to a new type of history and a new role for history. Postmodernism reveals the fallacies of the literary from that historic as have embraced without questioning for thoousands of years. Moreover, the rejection of the very possibility of universal standards means that standards are historically contingent. Kuhn’s theory of paradigms in science is superseded by the notion that all knowledge is merely linguistic convention. History offers the opportunity for exploring the factors that created the expressions, the range of recipients’ receptions, and the general contingency of knowledge. Knowledge exists within a historical context, so history subsumed all other disciplines: the Archimedean point for evaluating the respective merits of any form of discourse becomes a historical problem. Recent developments in theory do not singnal an end to the pursuit of truths; they instead require analysis of the historical contingency of those truths.


Global Inequality Branko Milanovic

It is now clear that capitalism and globalization wouldn't ultimately benefit everyone. He warns that growing inequality poses a real threat to democracy. While he presents the scientific data on inequality at great length, he gives only brief consideration to solutions on how the dynamics that drive inequality might be reserved. His case for open borders, however, leaves a lot to think about. Milancovics authoritative book makes for a technical  but compelling read for those who want to understand the forces driving inequality.

Globalization has changed the world dramatically with the promise of growing prosperity for all. But the reality is different: Globalization also has its losers. 





Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

This book was written almost 10 years ago. Yet it still prevailed his concepts well implemented into a lot of successful products. Based on ...