Benefit of brand architecture
- Identity coherence (company)
- Communication strategy (company)
- Boost ROI (company)
- Add consumer navigation (consumer)
- Master brand concept (consumer)
- Brand architecture helps structure and organize the product range to maximize efficiency for the company and ease consumer choice
- Product platforms should group products together, help stimulate innovation and show how each one helps build the master brand vision
- Where possible, strategies and executional consistency with the master brand should be maintained, with changes made only when the degree of stretch is substantial
- Strength the core:neglecting the core brand/product range>Protect and grow the core
- Vision:forgetting what made you famous in the first place>Clear vision to ensure extensions have added value
- Ideas:extensions are company not market driven>Use market and consumer insight as a catalyst for ideas
- Focus:scatter-gun stretching leads to dwarf extensions>fewer, bigger, ideas that build brand and business
- Delivery:execution fails to deliver against promises>excellence in execution as a key source of differentiation
- Brand architecture:confusing range for both consumer and company>structure that aids consumer choice and company efficiency