
会社の達人が教える四季報 10倍株/100倍株の探し方

  1. 世の中や会社が大きく転換するようなコメント
  2. 突然伸び出す売上高などの業績
  3. チャートの転換
  1. 急成長=増収率>20% (楽に見たければ、4年間で2倍になっているかどうか)
  2. 営業利益率10%以上 (営業利益/売上高x100)
  3. オーナー経営者で筆頭株主(資産管理会社を含む)
  4. 上場5年以内
  • エボラブルアジア
  • シェアリングテクノロジー
  • ウェルビー
  • Tokyo Base
  • インソース
  • すすらネット
  • 鎌倉新書
  • オプティム


こっから数年は不況トレンドになりそうだし、バリュー株 or 高配当株に光が当たる時代が到来しそう。


Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works A. G. Lafley

This book was written by A.G. Lafley, a former CEO in P&G.

  1. One final consideration for where to play is the competitive set. Just as it does when it defines winning aspirations, a company should make its where-to-play choices with the competition firmly in mind. Choosing a playing field identical to a strong competitor's can be a less attractive proposition than tacking away to compete in a different way, for different customers, or in different product lines. But strategy isn't simply a matter of finding a distinctive path. A company may choose to play in a crowded field or in one with a dominant competitor if the company can bring new and distinctive value. In such a case, winning may mean targeting the lead competitor right away or going after weaker competitors first.
  2. Where to play and how to win are not independent variables. The best strategies have mutually reinforcing choices at their heart. As a result, it is not a matter of choosing where to play and then how to win and them moving on. These two choices are intertwined and should be considered together.
    • マイケルポーターの戦略論だと差別化戦略とコストリーダーシップ戦略がsustainable competitive advantageを形成するとなっている。Both cost leadership and differentiation require the pursuit of distinctiveness. ~ To succeed in the long run, you must make thoughtful, creative decisions about how to win. In doing so, you enable your organization to sustainably provide a better value equation for customers than competitors do and create competitive advantage.
    • この理由は、Appendix Bでマクロ経済学から解説されている。いずれも高マージンをどうやって生み出すかの論点に集約されるからである。To be a nutshell, due to the fundamental microeconomics of business, there are tow ways to win: higher margin through lower cost or higher margin through differentiation.

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

This book was written almost 10 years ago. Yet it still prevailed his concepts well implemented into a lot of successful products. Based on ...