
ビジネス・フォー・パンクス ジェームズ・ワット

勢いのある起業物語。Let's change the world!!






Business for Punks bottles the essence of James’s methods in an accessible, honest mani­festo. Among his mantras: 
·  Cash is motherf*cking king. Cash is the lifeblood of your company. Monitor every penny as if your life depends on it—because it does. ·  Get people to hate you. You won’t win by try­ing to make everyone happy, so don’t bother. Let haters fuel your fire while you focus on your hard-core fans. ·  Steal and bastardize from other fields. Take inspiration freely wherever you find it— except from people in your own industry. ·  Job interviews suck. They never reveal if someone will be a good employee, only how good that person is at interviews. Instead, take them for a test drive and see if they’re passionate and a good culture fit.
Business for Punks rethinks conventional business wisdom so you can go beyond the norm. It’s an anarchic, indispensable guide to thriving on your own terms.

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

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